Smashed peas


I have a latex fruit allergy. This sucks, because it means that I am allergic to avocado, which as you can imagine is contained in the majority of the vegan options when one goes out to eat, often rendering me unable to have delicious green squishiness on toast despite it being my right as a millennial. Truth be told I don't really care too much about avocado anyway, but I try to go for the most nutrient dense option, ideally made with wholefoods. Anyway, I came across this option via FitGreenMind, and have adapted it a little to my own taste, especially since in the summer we find ourselves with an abundance of peas. This recipe is super versatile and works with a lot of beans, peas and miscellaneous other legumes.


Chuck everything into a chopper or mash in a bowl. Serve on toast, baked potatoes, or thin out with more lemon and EVOO to make a delicious dressing for salads and soups.